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I'm a both a creative person, enjoying reflexive life but even a social, democratic kind of teamplayer and a leader with generalist overview and knowledges and methods from different areas because of my broad life experiences from all 

spheres of the social life. Such as from manual works of the Labour class, from Science world as a philosopher- social scientist by education and an alternative thinker having created the basic ideas for a new paradigm of science, from Political world as having been a president for a local political society -84-88, worked in Business world as an owner and founder of four SME- companies in the Vidorg group, and latest as a publisher-writer in the Cultural area. All these different perspectives and experiences are good resources in my consulting work and projects.


So far working alone, but taken contacts with

marketing consultants, knowing government persons or persons near these, with science persons in my letters or as friends. Possibly the current Corona pandemic makes my proposals now actual as the "time is ready" or there are social calling for these kinds of unique Macro- or Major projects to handlie the current inconsistences or "worries" of the world: the Climate change, the continued social- economic- and cultural crises in the globalisation, to get the economies going better again, diminish the causes for international terrorism by reforms in UN, WTO etc. organisations.With a clear and betterunderstanding of the grounds or how to manage the creative Real Change to the new, common level of cultural, global evolution, so much needed in the world.



As an image can say more than various descriptions and words, the two company logos

above express the basic, unique ideas and values of my special kind of Macro Consulting.

  VIDORG- the mother company image- abilities to move swiftly from creative Macro- project ideas to the team work and the Underdeliverer contacts and cristalize the works in the Strategic plans to be worked  out with the team's Core Staff and other consultants.

  Exchange of M.O. (Management Option): the three fold secure projectpayment form of the Vidorg, which could even be used as an investing instrument, a kind of synthetic derivate instrument in the Vidorg Strategic Macro or Major projects below, with win- win perspective for all.

In Macro- project proposals, written in my science papers or e-books:


* SINUS- project 1990- 2012 for reforming the Health Care in Sweden/ other post-industrial soc.


* NMEP: a new kind of macro- planning and driving of the sustainable social, longterm growth, proposed already in 70's in my Social

planning course (Samhällsplanering)


* IS- PAL peace project as an "enlargement" of the political Peace project put forward in USA in Jan 20 for one of the most difficult crises area by proposal to be more international, with broader local interactions and even research perspective.


* Suggestions or comments on the EU Commission  longterm plan until 2025- 27, written e-book, paid and downloadable from the Vidorg Publishing house site (see link below)

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Interested can access the Vidorg/ my IS- PAL peace project e-book from 

my SME- company Förlaget Lasse T Laine aka Vidorg Publishing - site at by the link to my partnering site Ecwid, where the payment with Paypal (see link by Read more-button below)


The interested reader can click the image of the e-book, after which Ecwid asks the new user to sign in and make the order. After the payment is done, emails are sent to download the e-book. The price is fair according to me, concerning my current status as an alternative thinker questioning the current paradigm of science, living thus on the margin of the local society through doing the longterm ground research work to develop further the new ground for the Real Change, the new, more abstract paradigm of science and even applying it in practical life and projects.


The referred SINUS- longterm research project was aimed as a Pro Gradu

paper in the Economic History at Uppsala University. Due to misunderstandings from the teacher's side, lack of time and resources from the writer's side, the first and last papers in the Economic History departments were not accepted; the second paper or analysis of the own, structured interviews of the local County leaders, about their respective political parties views on the needed changes in the health care, was accepted as a course paper in e-MBA- studies in the Gävle university 2003.

Available on the partnering

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